C a r m e n a n d S a n t i a g o
Carmen and Santiago
Good decisions

C a r m e n C a r r o
Carmen has always loved cooking, so when, as a result of an unexpected work situation, she had to decide where to direct her career, she did not hesitate, she chose cooking. She trained for two years in the field of cooking techniques, but also in the knowledge of the product and its unique identities. This is how Pedraza’s cuisine was born, which has created his now famous Tortilla Betanzos, his cocido madrileño and his surprising ability to bring us dishes of long tradition and heritage, revisited with a respect and a care that is expressed in authentic flavours.
Carmen has won some of the most interesting gastronomic awards and recognitions:
Académica de los Cocidos de España
Best Chef of Madrid 2018
Runner-up in the World Croquettes Championship
Finalist of the Spanish Championship of Tortilla de Patatas

S a n t i a g o P e d r a z a
Santiago has always shared an unconditional passion for traditional Spanish cuisine with Carmen, his wife. During his search for knowledge of products and their techniques, Santiago has taken control of the embers and has decided to bring out the flavour, aromas and textures that such high quality products deserve.
The Grill is already a benchmark address in the capital and a sure value in an authentic gastronomic experience.